A commonly misplaced belief is that financial planning is only for the wealthy or older crowds, however in reality the earlier you start, the better off you are! People from all ages and income levels, seeking financial security or pursuing financial goals, can benefit from seeing a financial planner.
Whether you’re a first time or seasoned investor looking to grow your portfolio;
- Share trading
- Investments
Or a Business owner looking for financial security,
- Insurance / Return to Work SA payout advice and certification
- Income protection, Life, and general insurance advice
- Succession planning
- Investments
Or looking to settle down for retirement;
- Income protection, Life, and general insurance advice
- Retirement planning
- Succession planning
- Estate planning
- Aged Care
We provide a clever selection of financial planning solutions that are individually tailored to assist you in achieving your financial goals!
Pointons Financial Planners is one of the few privately owned financial planners to hold a financial planning licence, most large financial planning firms and “private banking” services in Australia are fully or partially owned by banks or other financial institutions. We are not affiliated with banks or insurance companies, which means we’re only working for you, the client!
Contact our team to discuss your situation and get planning sooner rather than later!
Email: enquiries@pointons.com
Phone: (08) 8523 0133